Install the FindSurface SDK

To install the FindSurface SDK, complete the following steps:


  1. Download the SDK from the website.

  2. Just unzip the .zip file wherever you want on your system.

    The followings are included.


    • FindSurface.h


    • x64/FindSurface.dll
    • x64/FindSurface.lib
    • x86/FindSurface.dll
    • x86/FindSurface.lib


  1. Download the SDK from the website.

  2. Just extract the libFindSurface.tar.gz file wherever you want on your system.

    The followings are included.


    • FindSurface.h


    • x86_64/

      This file is for runtime only.
      It is not available to build an application because Gemalto License Protection hides its symbol information.
      To build your application, use dummy .so file below


    • x86_64/

      This file is a dummy .so file that only contains a symbol information for build.
      It may be somewhat cumbersome but you have to use this file when you build your application.

  3. Install Header file (FindSurface.h): There are 2 options

    • Put the FindSurface.h under /usr/local/include.
      $ sudo cp FindSurface.h /usr/local/include
      This is the simplest way to install a header file on most of linux system.
    • Put the FindSurface.h under wherever you want on your system.
      You have to update your project's include path manually.
      (e.g. If you use gcc for compile, use -I option)
  4. Install Library file for Runtime ( under lib/x86_64 ): There are 2 options

    • Put the under /usr/local/lib.
      $ sudo cp FindSurface.h /usr/local/lib
      This is the simplest way to install a library file on most of linux system.
    • Put the under wherever you want on your system.
      You have to update library path information so that dynamic linker can find them.
      (using LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/
  5. Install Library file for Build ( under lib_import/x86_64 )

    • Put the under wherever you want on your system.
      You have to update your project's library path manually.
      (e.g. If you use gcc for compile, use -L option)